Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bunny and Frog NINGA Volume 3 -Atack of Racoon

Chapter 1- A Important Message

One day in the village Bunny and Frog woke up in the middle of the night. It was their Ninja Master on their watch."What is it"? said Fro and Bunny."Ninjas,evil Raccoon is making a spell for everyone to obey him,You know what to do Ninjas..right"? "Yes"! said Frog and Bunny."Then go"!said Ninja Master.So they put on their costumes and went to Raccoons hideout.Meanwhile at Raccoons hideout,Raccoon was planning a trap for the ninjas.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Chapter 2-Kidnapped

The ninjas got to Raccoons hideout.SMASH! The ninjas were locked in a cage."ha,ha,ha"! said Raccoon."In 12 minutes you will go into hot lava"!When Raccoon was gone Bunny used his saw to cut off the bars.Raccoon was getting the lava ready. It was going to be 1,000000 degrees so it could kill the ninjas. When it was past 12 minutes Raccoon went to see the cage and saw that it was emtey!

Chapter 3-The Killing Trick

Raccoon got his translator."I'll get you this time"! he said.He started walking down the hall.The Ninjas were on the sealing."We have to make sure he doesn't point us with that translator"! said bunny."I know"! said Frog."We'll use our Super Kill Jump to kill Raccoon"! "Great"! said bunny."On the count of three we will do it"! "O.K Frog"? "O.K"! said Frog."1,2,3,GO"! The Ninjas did the Super Kill Jump."Now I will find yo...."! SLAM! Raccoon fell dead. "Who's bad now Raccoon the weak"? said Bunny."You can't stop me,you will die,in the...cave...of the.....Mountains". said Raccoon."Well not anymore"! said Bunny. The Ninjas put Raccoon in a big plastic bag and took him to the Ninja hideout to show Ninja Master.They went through the Bat forest. They went inside Secret Quicksand that lead to the hideout. Then at last they made it to the hideout.

Chapter 4-The Award

"Well done ninjas"! said Ninja Master."You have defeated evil raccoon"! "Well thanks"! said the ninjas."We just used our super kill jump". said bunny.Ninja Master gave an anounsment."For doing such a good job I will give you a sash of truth,now you can be my truthful ninjas". "Yea"! said the ninjas.The ninjas went to the bedrooms but the ninjas had a asiment."Yes Master"? they said.Ninja Master spoke."A evil scientist is making a evil robot,you know what to do"! "Go time"! said the ninjas. The ninjas ran and did their mission.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Little Bear

Chapter  1 - Kidnapped!

One day in deep dark woods Mama and Papa bear had a new baby. "Let's name him Little Bear"! said papa bear. "Of course"! said mama bear. So they did. When little bear was 7 years old mama and papa bear went for a walk. Little bear was all alone in the house. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. It was evil fox! He had captured little bears family! Then he captured little bear! Fox was his best friend but little bear met a new friend Juliana. Fox grew evil. When fox got to his hideout he was delighted.

Chapter 2- Little bear saves the day!

Mama and papa bear were tied up in chains and were about to go in lava! Little bear knew karate. "Look a bird"! said little bear to fox. "Where"? said fox. KABOOM! Little bear punched and kicked fox. "Ouch you... suddenly paused. He stumbled and staggered and CRASH! fox fell dead. Papa and mama bear had a celebration because little bear killed fox. Mama and papa and little bear had bamboo for lunch. It was a good day!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Super Tooth

Super Tooth
Chapter 1 - The Trap Is Set

One day at tooth village Nick had to fight the Plaque and Cavity army. "Got to save the day today", said Nick. He touched himself and he turned to Super Tooth. King Cavity and King Plaque were setting up a trap that Super Tooth wouldn't recognize. Super Tooth got to the castle of Plaque and Cavity's. In the castle, King Cavity and King Plaque quickly set up the trap in the hallway.                                                                       

Chapter 2 - Super Tooth Looses His Stuff                                                                                 

Super Tooth came in the hallway. WHAP! Super Tooth was in a cage. He used his super strength  but the cage was made with sticky glue. "EWWW"! said Super Tooth. "Take him to the dungeon" said King Cavity to his crew. "Take his toothbrush sword" said King Plaque to his crew. The cavity crew took him to the dungeon.The plaque crew took his toothbrush sword.

King Cavity
Chapter3 - A Big Fight

Super Tooth was handcuffed in the dungeon. Super Tooth was worried but he had another toothbrush. He brushed off the icky handcuffs and got out of the dungeon. He brushed up the cavity crew. "I thought we already took his brush!" said the cavity crew. "What in the world?" said the plaque crew.

King Plaque
Chapter 4 - Super Tooth Saves The Day!

Last was King Cavity and King Plaque."You'll never get me!" said King Cavity. Me too!" said King Plaque. King Cavity and King Plaque tried to get to their ships but Super Tooth brushed them too! "Brush ,Brush , Brush" said his brush. Super Tooth saved the day!