Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Kasey's Working Week

 Kasey Mouse works all day.She always has some time to play.
One day she worked for a week and Kasey Mouse is always meek.

On Monday,Kasey does many chores washing dishes and scrubbing floors.
Buckets empty,Buckets full.Sweep and mop,push and pull

On Tuesday she begins to scrub lots of laundry in the tub.
She gets it wet and hangs it high.Drying low and drying high

On Wednesday she picks in the blue.Red,orange,and purple too!
Pretty flowers small and big.When she is done she does a jig!

On Thursday she picks berries.She likes bananas and loves cherries!
Nuts are crunchy,cheese is neat.Lemons are sour,cherries are sweet!

On Friday Kasey attaches things to all her hats,purses,and things.
A purse for sun.A hat for rain.A ring that's fancy. A hat that's plain.

On Saturday she can not wait to frost the cake and stay up late.
Dark chocolate dark,light vanilla light.She helps all day and sleeps all night.

On Sunday Kasey hangs up balloons,humming joyful little tunes.
Balloons are thin,balloons are fat.Then wipes her feet on the mat.

Little Kasey had such a day,she won't go outside to play.
Now her own birthday is done.With all that cake,she can not run.


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